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  • Claire Organics |
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  • Claire Organics |
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  • Claire Organics |
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  • Claire Organics - @zahilahfilzah


    "Rosehip Face & Body Oil is my moisturiser and makeup base now. I have forego my usual moisturiser and primer. Because i pray 5 times a day, each time after taking ablution, i apply the oil. Somehow just works for everything. Patchouli Soap surprisingly reduces scars and works for my kids who have eczema. Soother Healing Balm I used specifically for pimples during that time of the month. Hehe.. tua tua also got pimple still. Takes 48-72 hours to settle.”

    Shop Rosehip Face & Body Oil
  • Claire Organics - @Julia Wong

    @Julia Wong

    “Thank you Louise, the founder of Claire Organics produces such great products with love & passion. Your Rosehip Face/Body Oil and Argan Oil have done tremendous improvement to my body. I am so amazed with the result in just a month using them. I will never go back to those branded products that I’ve been using for years & the results were not at all close to yours. Keep producing more great products and most importantly keep up the quality!”

    Shop Argan Oil
  • Claire Organics - @sara


    " The Patchoulli Soap and Soother Balm really SOOTHES my skin. i usually scared of getting in contact with any soap (including the organic ones) but somehow this soap didn't make me itchy at all after using it. "

    Shop for Sensitive Skin
  • Claire Organics - @Inang


    "Best of all, not a single sign of irritation!!! The scent is just heavenly and very relaxing. Even after only 1 application I know this oil is gonna stay permanent in my arsenal of skincare products. I just wanted to say bravo and thank you for creating this Rosehip Face/Body Oil. I am also looking forward to try other products from this brand soon."

    Shop for Moisturiser
  • Claire Organics - @恩林


    "我本身是超級敏感的皮膚! 平時皮膚會 痕癢, 紅腫. 就算用了很多大牌子的 抗敏洗臉霜都不會好, 看了皮膚專科, 皮膚也是反反复复, 不會斷根. 之後大姐介紹了我用 Claire 的 Mother’s Milk Soap 肥皂, 雖然是肥皂, 但是用了 完全不會乾, 而且皮膚完全不會癢了! 皮膚第一次可以醬 stable 真的很興奮, 所以想分享給其他跟我一樣 敏感性皮膚的人."

    Shop for Sensitive Skin
  • Claire Organics - @Inang


    "Let me start of by stating that I have dry and dehydrated skin, my skin gets easily congested and irritated when I use heavy and dense products to fight of my dry skin. I found Claire Organics and had drop them a message asking for some recommendations for my skin woes. The feedback was fast and they were helpful. First try on Rosehip Face/Body Oil, I must say I am pleasantly surprise. My skin feels super soft and super hydrated in the morning."

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